sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

tag question

Question Tags

Put in the correct question tags.
1.      He sometimes reads the newspaper,…isn´t he……..?
2.      You are Indian, …aren´t you……..?
3.      Peggy didn't use the pencil, …did he…..?
4.      Mary has answered the teacher's question,…hasn’t she……?
5.      The boy is from Turkey, …isn´t he……..?
6.      Sue wasn't listening, …was he……..?
7.      Andrew isn't sleeping,   …is he .?
8.      Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow, ……won´tthey ?
9.      He's been to Texas,……hasn´t…he..?
10.  Dogs like meat, ………………………………………………..?
11.  There are some apples left, ……aren´t they…..?
12.  I'm late, …am not I
13.  Let's go,  isn´t we..?
14.  Don't smoke,  do…he……..?
15.  He does sing in the bathroom, …doesn´the …..?
16.  He'll never know,  ……won´t he…..?
17.  I think, he's from India, …isn´t he………..?
18.  Lovely day today, ……isn´t it…..?
19.  She is collecting stickers, ……isn´t she…….?
20.  We often watch TV in the afternoon, ……aren´t we..?
21.  You have cleaned your bike,haven´t you?
22.  John and Max don't like Math’s, ……do they….?
23.  Peter played handball yesterday, ……isn´t he..?
24.  They are going home from school,aren´t they….?
25.  Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, did she…?
26.  He could have bought a new car.. haven´t he…?
27.  Kevin will come tonight,won´t he..?
28.  I'm clever,am not I…..?

1.      You're coming to the party, _a__?
a. aren't you
b. isn't you
c. shouldn't you
2.      It wasn't very difficult, __C_?
a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. was it
3.      Tom is getting something for Sue, _B__?
a. wasn't he
b. isn't he
c. was he
4.      It won't be anything expensive, _C__?
a. won't it
b. isn't it
c. will it
5.      There's some milk in the refrigerator, __A_?
a. isn't there
b. isn't it
c. wasn't it
6.      We don't need to go to the store today, _C__?
a. don't we
b. do I
c. do we
7.      Susan can bring some food, _C__?
a. won't she
b. will she
c. can't she
8.      The party starts at eight o'clock, __A_?
a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it
9.      The movie was very long, _B__?
a. isn't it
b. wasn't it
c. was it
10.  There's a dictionary on the shelf, _B__?
a. isn't it
b. isn't there
c. aren't there
11.  There's a lot of noise outside, __B_?
a. aren't there
b. isn't there
c. is there
12.  Mrs. Smith is sick, _A__?
a. isn't she
b. is she
c. wasn't she
13.  The dishes are dirty, _C__?
a. weren't they
b. isn't they
c. aren't they
14.  Steven won't be at the party, _C__?
a. won't he
b. isn't he
c. will he
15.  The math test was very difficult, _A__?
a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. weren't they
16.  We can go tomorrow, __C_?
a. won't we
b. can we
c. can't we
17.  I'm early, _A__?
a. isn't I
b. aren't I
c. are I
18.  This shirt is too big for me, _A__?
a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it
19.  Emily plays the piano well, _C__?
a. isn't it
b. does she
c. doesn't she
20.  Your neighbors went on vacation, __B_?
a. isn't they
b. didn't they
c. aren't they

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